In the Presence of Kindness

Several years ago, one of my teachers said, “There can never be too much kindness.” I thought of my mother who, in her elder years, extended so many small kindnesses to people she met along her everyday path. To the woman she stood beside at the sinks in the bathroom of a store, “Oh you … Read more

Five Diagrams – Foundational Elements of Embodied Education

Below are the diagrams for the Foundational Elements of Embodied Education. They are assembled on this one page for easy viewing access. Here you can see the progression from the components of a classroom (the triangle) through the development of somatic skills that create a relaxed, dynamic and engaged presence both within yourself and with … Read more

Review of The Warrior:
Themes and Corresponding Presentations

Choose five questions from each of the three themes below, related to the Warrior archetype, to explore in writing (15 questions total – five from Courage; five from Compassion; five from Leadership). Examine each theme from a variety of angles: thoughts, feelings, habits, history, personal and professional experiences, crafting a new story.You will submit the … Read more

Learning Agreements

Learning Agreements function like the banks of a river. They help contain and direct the flow of learning so that it stays in the riverbed and moves steadily downstream until it finally arrives in the ocean. By definition, agreements are designed to establish and maintain harmonious and beneficial relationships that engender trust and mutual understanding. … Read more

Preparation and Assignments for S2 – Zoom Class 5

PREPARATIONRequired reading: The Courage to Teach: pages 61-73: (3 topics – Thinking the World Together; When Things Fall Apart; The limits and Potentials of the Self TO PRACTICEBegin to observe clients, colleagues and friends from the perspective of multiple intelligences. TO BEGIN WORKING ONHealer Themes Assignment: Courage, Compassion and Leadership due on Wednesday, January 18, … Read more

Observation Theory and Techniques: the Sensorial Observer

What is in the mind is first known in the senses– Aristotle For many years, I had the honor to teach a curriculum called Sensorial to Montessori teachers in training to work with young children. The purpose of this curriculum is the sequential, progressive refinement of the senses from the most obvious differences to the … Read more

Allies and Enemies of Learning

Allies and Enemies of LearningBehaviors and Strategies © 2012-23 Carey SmithEnemies of Learning adapted from Julio Olalla, Newfield Network Journaling Exercise – Allies and Enemies of Learning In Zoom Class 3, we will explore the model above. As human beings, each of these aspects is familiar (mind, emotions, body, spirit) just as in the Whole-Person … Read more