Presentation Skills – Part 2

Preparation for 3-minute Presentation in S2 – Zoom Class 3:Be sure that all the necessary learning materials are present in the learning environment. Connect to yourself, the students, the environment, and the subject. NOTE: You may access and print out this document as a PDF file from the Materials tab in Preparation and Assignments topic … Read more

Preparation and Assignments for S2 – Zoom Class 4

PREPARATION Complete the Journaling Exercise – Model for Communicating Boundaries. Required reading: none TO PRACTICEContinue to practice Push-Hands Exercise and ask yourself “Where / when / with whom do I over-push or under-push?” BRING TO ZOOM CLASS 4 Your questions regarding Course Curriculum and how it relates the Course Syllabus and Objectives Journaling assignment on … Read more

The Flower of Compassion

In Zoom Class 1, we will explore the model below. For now, just imagine yourself held between sky and ground, roots extending into the earth. Journaling Exercise – Tending the Flower of Compassion Answer these questions as preparation for Zoom Class 1 (for your own use, not be be turned in): What supports the development … Read more

Preparation and Assignments for S2 – Zoom Class 3

PREPARATION Review the Five Diagrams | Foundational Elements of Embodied Education (PDF version found in Materials tab in this Topic) Make notes or outline for your 3-minute Presentation on some aspect(s) of Courage, Compassion, Leadership. Required reading: The Anatomy of Change: pages 90-105 TO PRACTICE Find a partner and practice Push Hands, continuing to practice … Read more

Model for Communicating Boundaries

In our role as educators, therapists, leaders (and as humans!) we have many opportunities to practice setting a boundary. The Model for Communicating Boundaries (MFCB) is a method of building trust within the learning community and holding our students and our agreements with respect. This model builds on our somatic practices as well as the practices of … Read more

Boundaries and Leadership

Becoming a Leader“Leadership” is a concept we often resist. It seems immodest, even self-aggrandizing, to think of ourselves as leaders. But if it is true that we are made for community, then leadership is everyone’s vocation, and it can be an evasion to insist that it is not. When we live in the close-knit ecosystem … Read more

Preparation and Assignments for S2 – Zoom Class 2

PREPARATION Review Course Syllabus Example and Course Objectives. Required reading: The Courage to Teach: pages 21-33 (the rest of Chapter 1) Review The Four-Fold Way: The Warrior; pages 15-39 TO PRACTICEPractice Embodied Presence – Meaningful Connection with Others. Find a partner (3-4 different partners if possible) and practice the steps from the video – Face, … Read more

Introduction to Multiple Intelligences

In 1985, the noted Harvard psychologist and educator Howard Gardner, PhD, proposed the theory of multiple intelligences based on years of research investigating how we come to know what we know about our world. How do we learn, process, and understand information? What is the process by which we acquire knowledge? In a nutshell, “What … Read more

Introduction to Creating a Course Curriculum

A Course Curriculum is a simple list of the main topics covered in each class. It expands the Course Description contained in the Course Syllabus and also relates to the Course Objectives. In time, you will use this Course Curriculum for developing a lesson plan for each class. Review both the Course Curriculum and the … Read more